Houseki No Kuni Phos Gif Funny

Houseki no Kuni Thoughts: The character I can't hate

Hi everyone. It's been a while and after learning that Houseki no Kuni is coming back in just a matter of days, I figured now was the time to finally post this. I've wanted to write this for a long time and certain events in my life has compelled me to add more but not want to post at the same time, if that makes sense.

This post is sort of an analysis on a certain character from the series that I surprisingly have a lot in common with. Though I think that goes without saying that many people in the fandom, including myself, can find themselves within the different characters, especially Phos. I think that's one of the reasons why we care so much about them and want the best for them.

But like I said, for me there's another character that I found myself connecting with more. A character who changed so drastically that it felt like whiplash for readers and the characters in the story. A character who was put in a difficult role by those around them to later gain a new one by someone who claims to care about them more. A character who became a favorite for many, but quickly became the one they detested the most. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, yes?

Yeah, I'm talking about Cairngorm.

I'll do my best to explain myself. This is a long hot take and I'm sorry if anything I say doesn't make sense; I was literally going through the manga again when rewriting this because I know I didn't remember everything correctly. Please feel free to say your thoughts about what I write. If this post is too long, I can cut it up if that's easier for everyone. Or if you believe I need to add some sort of trigger warning, please let me know!

 Anyways, here we go...

Cairngorm: Reluctant Obligations and Purpose

I think many can agree that Phos got the short end of the stick when it comes to their life. Unlike the other gems, they weren't the strongest and count stick to any of the given tasks that everyone else could do out of disinterest. No wonder most of the other gems pitied or were annoyed or just barely paid any attention to them. It got so bad that Phos was given a relatively meaningless task to do so they can do something instead of laying about. Why do I bring this up? Well, despite the clear negatives that Phos experienced because of this in the first chapters, I'd argue that Phos had it easier than certain gems. Though I don't think it was truly confirmed, it seems that most if not all of the gems are given specific roles after their inception and were given proper knowledge by Adamant. These are roles that the gems stuck with, even when if they expressed forms of dissatisfaction (ex. Dia or Jade.)  Phos, on the other hand, was allowed to explore. Yes, they got teased or reprimanded for being lazy/causing problems, Phos is still allowed to try different things a lot, something that I don't believe many of the gems were allowed to do.

And on top of that, because most of the gems didn't pay too close attention to Phos, this essentially gave Phos free range to do whatever. And if Phos wanted to do certain things, like work with Antarcticite, Adamant just sort of allowed it. In some ways, older Phos had more freedom than most of the gems because of their status among the others. And maybe I'm crazy but it feels like Phos gets forgiven often by Adamant, especially as the series progressed.

Again, why did I bring this up? Cairn. Unlike Phos, it seemed that Cairn didn't really have much a choice on what they could do after they came to be. When they were forced into existence after Ghost was taken, Cairn was essentially put into the role of being Antarcticite's replacement for Phos as their partner and "keeper." Cairn may have acted tough with Phos and was angry about the circumstances, they still took up that role. Whether they did it because wanted to or because they were expected is another thing. To me, Cairn took up this role because they were expected to.

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Yes, it has been shown in the manga that Cairn made the choice to take over the winter duties and follow Phos to the moon, even though they didn't want to. But that's just it. These decisions Cairn made weren't compelled by inner desire but because they knew it was for Phos's sake. To me, these were instances where Cairn actively put their feeling on the side to do what is expected of them. It didn't matter what they desired or how they felt, they had a role to fulfill no matter what, and it was to be by Phos's side. It's all because it was put in their head that they are expected and obligated to do these things by the others, especially Ghost.

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Hell, they were ready to decapitate themselves for Phos after they lost their head because of what Ghost told them. Even though Cairn was stopped, this just shows how far they would go to fulfill this role that they were put into because they were taught/conditioned to do so. I'm now wondering if Adamant would have still stopped Cairn if Lapis's head wasn't there.

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This is a miserable sense of duty and obligation to others, especially individuals one can see as family. Sadly, this is something that I'm all too familiar with.

Parentification: Do it for your family

(I'm about to get a personal. Read at your own discretion!)

I'll tell you all just a little bit about myself and I promise this will circle back to what I was talk about. (Though I don't know if this is triggering but I'll still add a warning here for people who are sensitive to depressing topics) I come from a relatively big family and I'm the oldest. Ever since I was a child, I was taught that I must fulfill my duties as the oldest child for the sake of my whole family and this was a reality that I accepted. I know not all families are like this with older siblings being expected to take up endless family/community duties, but that's the case for me. I needed to be the "strong one" for everyone's sake, even if it meant I needed to sacrifice my happiness and wellbeing, because that was my role. And if I didn't fulfill my duties because I didn't want to, according to my father, then I'd be an selfish person who would hurt the family and "god dislikes selfish people." If I couldn't fulfill that role well, I'd be a bad role model since according to my father, "all my actions impact on my siblings since they look up to me" and "it's my responsibility to be the good example for their sake." Because I didn't want to be a "bad child" and hurt my family because of my actions, I remember sucking up my grievances and just did what was expected of me and more. Be the pillar and role model that my family can rely on because if I can't be that for whatever reason... who was I?

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That's why I connected to the character Luisa from Encanto.  Her song "Surface Pressure" made me cry so much the first time I heard it and it's my favorite Disney song to date. Everything she said in the song perfected how I felt when I was young and now when I'm an adult. I'm happy to say that even before the movie came out, I recognized that some of the things from my childhood weren't healthy. Things have gotten better for the most part and I thankfully don't have to fulfill all of the same duties that I had when young but sadly… now new duties are expected to be done and the effects from my childhood still linger. I still have this sense of duty and obligation to my family and their wellbeing, even though I'm told that I don't need to do it anymore. I'd gotten so used to being the one who does everything and even though my family is older now, I'm sometimes still expected to fulfill old and new responsibilities because of my role in my family. It never seems to end.

Like I said though, things have gotten better and I'm learning to say no. But I won't lie, there were times where I just wanted to disappear, kind of like how Cairn felt. Not die, don't worry. Just walk away from my family, community, and anyone who knew me in life and start everything from scratch. Don't get me wrong; I don't hate my family, especially my siblings. I love them, even though they frustrate me sometimes.  I really want the best for them and I want to see them do well on their own. Still, there were times when I was tired and… I just wanted space from everyone and everything for… maybe a few years? I had a small taste of this when I first left home for college. I was away from home and was finally allowed to do what I wanted to do for myself. It felt good but wrong at the same time. Even though I finished school, life has brought me back home and sadly, those darn obligations are back on me. But now that I'm older and understand the world a little better, if I play my cards right, I'll soon be truly free from these chains of familial duties and obligations. Thankfully some of my siblings and close friends understand my feelings and support me. Speaking of freeing themselves, let's finish this rambling post by going back to Cairn.

True or False sense of freedom...?

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As shown in some of the manga pages I added, I hope I was able to show why Cairn's position is sadder than one would assume. So, when Cairn went to the moon and even though their sudden character change initially came out of nowhere, the more I thought about it, it sort of makes sense. On the moon, Cairn was allowed to actually make choices, from the clothes they wore to the name they go by. Cairn was no longer expected to look after someone else like they did back on earth, especially someone who had the tendency to attract trouble. Cairn no longer had any obligations to fill. They didn't have to put others first before themselves. They are allowed to be who they truly are. On the moon, Cairn had freedom… or rather the illusion of freedom. At least, it seems that way to me. This is up for debate after the last chapter but I remember during chapter 75 and beyond, this sense of freedom that Aechmea made for Cairn feels...false. But whether it's false or true, this offered freedom is what made Cairn latch onto Aechmea so quickly. It's gross how Aechmea clearly took advantage of their naivety but at the same time, it's clear that Cairn still accepted this with sound mind... and it's pitiful to see.

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I understand people hating Cairn and I don't blame them; I just can't personally don't. Yes, I'm disappointed with their choices and actions but at the same time, I totally get it. They crave freedom and though they can make choices and are no longer expected to be Phos's partner or keeper anymore, Cairn isn't truly free; they just have a new master, and Cairn knows this. But at this point, they don't care anymore. What they have on the moon was better than what they had on earth. I admit, if you ignore the manipulation stuff that Aechmea is clearly doing, Cairn kind of has it good. So…yeah, good for you Cairn. I'm even a little envious but not by much.

I don't know where this series is headed for Cairn and the other characters. I still think we're headed for a bittersweet ending and how that will play out is anyone's guess. But you know what, because of how much I see myself in Cairn and other characters like them, a part of me is happy to see them feel free for the first time, even if it's not true freedom.

So yeah, this was my post. I'd been working on and delaying it for way too long. Please feel free to share what you think.

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Happy days ahead!

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The 10,000 years is finally almost up

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30 Day Animanga Edit Challenge Day 13: Hero / Protagonist

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like / rb if saved ₍ᐢ˵• ࿁ กᐢ₎

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"bort is special. [...] they're the hardest and most perfect among us."

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when the 96th chapter of Houseki no Kuni comes out:

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Phosphophillyte layouts ! 🐛 🥏 🧶

like or reblog if u save/use ,, headers and icons by me

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Hi guys

I wanted to recommend an anime :

Houseki no kuni

Basically it's about a world where gem stones take upon a human form and occasionally fight against beings from the moon who come to collect them to make weapons and jewellery out of them but there's more to the story as there are so many massive plot twists.

It's amazing even though it's CGI, I swear it's the only anime that has made me read the manga. The graphics are absolutely stunning and the story line is quite good too! Not to mention the sound track, everything about houseki no kuni is angelic!! Give it a try please.

Here are some GIF clips from the anime

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(Spoiler?) Bort is one of my favourite characters 🖤

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Hi, do u have headers 4 this gif? ^ ^

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here! hope u like it <3

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LAYOUTS . .₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ like/rb if saved

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Summoning houseki no kuni fans to obsess over these pretty rocks with me

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Seriously who made paparadscha and how do I steal their gender?!

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